Monday, June 1, 2009



[The Constitution & the Bill of Rights]:
-- Civil libertarian-oriented. Respect for the Constitution, especially all of the 10 libertarian Bill of Rights, including the general right of habeas corpus and no cruel and unusual punishment.
-- Respect the right of individual privacy, save probable cause of a crime or criminal conspiracy.
-- Respect the independent rights of the various 50 states.
-- Uphold the separation of powers between the three main branches of the federal government, including checks and balances.
-- Restore habeas corpus by revoking the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and parts of the misnamed "Patriot Act."

[Foreign Policy]:
-- Foreign policy based on moral principles, integrity, respect for the sovereignty of other nations, and general non-intervention.
-- Orderly withdrawal of troops from Iraq, forthwith.
-- Adhere to our nation's treaty obligations under the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty).
-- Propose an international WMD non-proliferation, disarmament & inspection council.
-- Withdraw from overseas organizations and bases with no clear defensive purpose.

(Common Sense Defense)
-- The Committee of Commons & Political Affairs supports the strengthening of the War Powers Act in favor of the constitutional right of Congress to decide war and strictly limiting the authority of the executive branch in this regard.
-- Common sense/non-interventionist defense authorizations and appropriations.

-- Economically progressive, progressive tax rates, support generally protectionist trade policies that improves labor, consumer and environmental standards, rebuilds the American manufacturing base, imposes higher tariffs on imports, bans outsourcing to foreign destinations, and protects and creates jobs.
-- Control deficit through fiscal responsibility.
-- Restrict outsourcing of jobs to overseas destinations.
-- Start a federal program, with federal government funds, to build affordable houses, apartments and rooms. Create incentives for the building of more affordable housing by state and local governments and private firms.
-- Support national health care plan, with various options, for citizens who cannot afford health insurance, with an emphasis on the preventive care aspect.

-- Generally culturally traditional.
-- Support rights of children in embryonic state.
-- Support single parents and their right to raise their children, with government economic support if necessary, but without undue government intrusion or interference.
-- Promote basic values and ethics education in public schools, especially in the elementary grades.
-- Outlaw capital punishment.
-- Commute draconian sentences of non-violent drug offenders, and establish community programs to help them readjust and get jobs in the community.
-- Regulation of ultra-liberal sciences that may effect public safety.
-- Support American tradition, family and culture.

-- Prosecute Clinton-Bush II rule lawbreakers.
-- Support strengthening of environmental measures, regulations and laws, especially to counteract global warming.
-- Require labeling of all genetically engineered food.
-- No federal funds (bailout) for Wall Street or banks.

Revised on 10/5/10.

Copyright 2009 - 2010, Party of Commons TM

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